
How Can You Fix Bumps Under the Eyes?

How Can You Fix Bumps Under the Eyes?

Bumps are not something that you must fix. Depending on the size, color, and cause of bumps under the eyes, the priority to treat them changes significantly. Do not worry, I have explained these scenarios later in this article, but the main question is, “how can you fix them”?

To be straight to the point, it is not a big issue. It is a common concern and behaves like dry skin (which is not dangerous at all in moderate form). If affected by bumps, the skin under the eyes often becomes dry. 

So, both issues collectively are still not dangerous. I will talk about it later but first, let’s have a look at what might be causing bumps under your eyes.

Why am I getting little bumps under my eyes?

Bumps under the eyes could be due to various conditions or symptoms of some underlying skin conditions. The most common causes of bumpy skin are:

  • Milia: Milia are small white bumps that do not irritate. This condition is often responsible for harmless tiny bumps under the eyes. The affected skin recovers on its own after a few days to weeks. It is common in children, but adults get it too.
  • Styes: Stye is a small red bump on the edge of the eyelid which often contains pus and blood. This is a painful condition which can cause blurred vision. Itching is a common symptom, and the affected person must resist the urge to scratch. It can go away without treatment. Severe conditions should be handled professionally. 
  • Chalazion: Chalazion causes a swollen bump on the eyelid. The bump is not painful, and it is often mistaken for style. The main difference between both is that chalaza is caused by bacterial infection in oil glands. Chalazion often appears on the back of the eyelid, while stye appears on the edge of the eyelid.
  • Keratosis pilaris: Sometimes known as chicken skin under eyes, is a condition that happens when a buildup of a protein, Keratin, blocks hair follicles. This leads to harmless small white, pink, or skin-colored bumps. The skin often becomes dry and can be soothed with moisturizers.

How to treat bumps under the eyes?

  1. Diagnose first

The first and most important step is diagnosis. Milia is mostly responsible for small harmless bumps. You can easily diagnose your condition by reading details of common causes in the upper section. 

If you still face any issues in identifying, consult a healthcare professional. If you see small red bumps or dark circles under your eyes, you should look for treatment. Identifying your condition will help you get the right treatment. 

  1. Use a cream

The next step is to use a product for treatment. Normally, you should not worry about bumps if they are not irritating, itchy, or painful. If bumps are not irritating but do not fade out on their own even after a few days, you should use an eczema cream

This cream is not only for the management and treatment of eczema but also can be used to remove bumps under the eyes. Use it two times a day for better results.

  1. Follow some precautions

One of the most important parts of any eye care treatment is to follow preventive measures and avoid triggers. The same goes for bumps under the eyes. 

If bumps are harmless, there is no issue. But I recommend you follow these tips when dealing with bumps (whether painful or not):

  • Sleep enough. Less sleep can increase the risk of milia and make skin more sensitive.
  • Avoid eye makeup. The chemicals in the beauty products can irritate the affected area.
  • Do not scratch. You may end up damaging those bumps, leading to further complications.
  • Do not use a warm compressor. Instead, use a cold compressor to reduce inflammation.
  • Avoid rubbing or washing your eyes too much.
  • Never pick, poke, or squeeze the bumps. 
  1. Seek professional help

This is the last step of treatment. If the upper described methods are not working or the condition worsens even if you are following preventive measures, consult a healthcare professional for personalized treatment. 

There could be another skin issue that might be causing problems. If you wake up with some bumps under your eyes, do not look for treatment right after. Wait for some days and see if the bumps go away.


Milia is not the sole reason behind bumps under the eyes. There could be other conditions, as mentioned in the article, that cause such symptoms. If bumps are not irritating, leave them as they are safe. 

Still, follow the preventive measures. I hope the treatment described will help you get rid of those bumps. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if nothing works for you or the condition worsens.

Featured Image courtesy of Happy Cappy


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